Label: "budget deficit"

February 23, 2024 14:41

Hungary supports EU competitiveness proposal - FinMin

Meanwhile, EU funds continue to flow to Hungary

nagy marton
February 19, 2024 16:23

Hungary minister reveals gigantic 2023 budget deficit

6.5% of GDP could be the final figure

forint bankjegy
February 19, 2024 16:06

Hungary accumulates staggering budget deficit in late 2023

Shortfall well over even the upwardly revised projection

gulyás gergely kormányinfó
February 15, 2024 08:45

Hungarian government press briefing coming up

On Friday afternoon

pénzügyminisztérium épülete
February 08, 2024 12:51

Hungary public finances start 2024 with a surplus

A moderate surplus at that

Nagy Máront nemzetgazdasági miniszter
February 05, 2024 08:33

Hungarian Economy Minister says budget deficit will not be below 3% even next year

The deficit will be 4.5% this year

nyugdíjas parlament
February 05, 2024 08:15

First key data on the Hungarian economy this year to be released this week

It'll be worth to keep our eyes peeled

kötvény parlament budapest nő duna tél
January 30, 2024 12:07

Hungarian economy may return to growth, but the budget is in trouble

New forecasts available

vihar csend magyarország
January 23, 2024 11:23

Hungarian state collects HUF 2.26 trillion more in taxes in 2023 than in 2022

And yet it fails to do the trick

Nagy Marton davos
January 19, 2024 12:40

Eastern Opening could double Hungary's FDI stock by 2023 - Economy Minister

Márton Nagy criticised the EU's tightening fiscal policy in Davos

parlament állampapír budapest
January 19, 2024 09:20

Rating agency sees a huge risks in Hungary, with bitter ending on the cards

Gaping holes in CEE budgets

parlament állampapír
January 18, 2024 16:01

Hungary's debt ratio has hardly diminished in 2023

ÁKK Investor Presentation quietly reveals

Nagy márton mti
January 17, 2024 10:01

Hungary's Economy Minister: I believe in high-pressure economic policy

Márton Nagy said the debate is only about how fast the budget deficit should be reduced

100 forint mnb
January 15, 2024 09:50

Hungarian gov't spends so much it has not had so little money for 3.5 years

End-year deficit boom evident

January 12, 2024 14:29

Excessive deficit procedure could be launched against Hungary, overspending poses serious risks

Only in the short run would fiscal easing have a growth-stimulating effect

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
January 04, 2024 11:43

Hungary FinMin promises deficit reduction, but does not give a specific figure

The Ministry of Finance's first press conference of the year

nagy márton nemzetgazdasági miniszter
January 04, 2024 10:17

Hungary Economic Minister would set a radical course for the economy of Hungary and the EU

There should be more permissiveness, not austerity, in fiscal policy, he says

zsiday viktor 2017 cfo summit
January 03, 2024 12:15

Price of budget deficit must be paid, final result is several years of stagflation - expert

Viktor Zsiday says the ballooning deficit of recent years is a serious problem

budapest parlament margit híd
January 03, 2024 12:05

Hungary mandates benchmark dollar bond issue

ÁKK offers paper with an unusually long maturity

forint forintárfolyam forintgyengülés költségvetés deviza
January 03, 2024 10:05

Recent data show a huge budget deficit in the government sector

Even the recently revised government estimate of 5.9% may be a fa cryr from reality